The Majestic Paso Fino

Born with a gait unique to the breed and its attitude seems to transmit to the observer that this horse knows its gait is a very special gift that must be executed with style and pride! The gait, being totally natural, does not exhibit the catapulting or exaggerated leg action of man-made gaits.


Fall in Love with the Paso Fino

Adorned with the title “Smoothest Riding Horse in the World,” Paso Fino horses are increasingly gaining the attention of American horse lovers. Full of energy, drive, stamina, yet gentle on the ground, the Paso Fino may very well be America’s best kept secret. Bred for good physical balance, the Paso Fino is quick, sure-footed, and very athletic. The Paso Fino movement is completely unique to the breed and although it may be unlike anything you’ve ever seen before—don’t write this breed off until you have ridden one.

The Smoothest Riding Horse

One of the most unique attributes of the Paso Fino breed is its natural gait. Horses can be trained to perform different gaits for show and competition, but the fact that these sought-after gaits are performed naturally and perfectly by the Paso Fino sets it apart. Many people who have a hard time mounting or riding a horse due to age, and those who have had back injuries, knee injuries, or have been told, “You won’t be able to ride again,” find themselves able to ride a Paso Fino when no other horse will do. It’s even been said that the ride is as good as going to the chiropractor!

Bred for their stamina, smooth gait, and beauty, “Los Caballos de Paso Fino” – the horses with the fine walk – served as the foundation stock for remount stations of the Conquistadors. Centuries of selective breeding by those who colonized the Caribbean and Latin America produced variations of the “Caballo de Criollo,” among them the Paso Fino that flourished initially in Puerto Rico and Colombia, and later, in many other Latin American countries.